Wednesday, November 30, 2011

When I encounter darkness or difficulty, I do not dwell—instead I turn on the light by telling myself, It Is Dark Because I Say It Is. So 8)
The difference between the two is the difference between living fully and just existing.”
—Michael E. Gerber
Cause Change in your Life.
is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next. The difference between the two...
“The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else...

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I was appalled. I was very upset to think that I was becoming a robot – and I'm wondering, how do you use time in your life?
If I only had two or three minutes,I could answer telephone messages. I realized that I had carved up the entire day into five-minute units.
Alan Lightman: If I had a few hours or longer, I could work on a writing project. If I had half an hour, I could do errands or pay bills.
"You don't stop doing things because you get old. You get old because you stop doing things." Rosamunde Pilcher
Cause Change, Do Something!
Whatever we might say of the future of the written word, a book remains a remarkable curated package of ideas that matter.

Monday, November 28, 2011

In the Present be Thoughtful for others and Wishful for the future. Make it better than the past you wished to forget. Make Change Happen!
What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. Be Thankful for the past is behind you...
Have you heard losing Turkey fat is easy. It's so easy I do it all year... I hope you all had a festive Thanksgiving meal.
Today I let go of anything that hurts me. I welcome all things that encourage me to cause change.

Friday, November 25, 2011

He looked puzzled. Oh,’he replied finally. ‘I didn't mean the next diaper. I meant the next baby!’
Changing the Little Things is EZ.
I'm busy,’he said. ‘I'll do the next one.’
The next time the baby was wet, she asked if he was now ready to learn how to change diapers.
After they had brought their first baby home from hospital, a young wife suggested to her husband that he try his hand at changing diapers.
What’is that, dear?’
How did you know I was at the mall shopping at the foot locker?’
Sorry for the blond joke...
Oh, I just love it!’ she gushed. ‘It’is so cute and small—and your voice sounds so clear. But there’is just one thing I don't understand.
The next day she was out shopping when the phone rang. Hey, darling, her husband said. ‘How do you like your new phone?
For their first anniversary, a man bought his wife a cell phone. She was thrilled and listened eagerly as he explained all its features.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving...Be Thankful for what you have and what's to come...Oh and be thankful for those who got you these things...Ur Family 2!
No madam,’ replied the middle-aged man. ‘I'’m from the Income Tax Department.’
Be Thankful...and pay your Taxs...
Until the coin fell out of his mouth.
‘Oh, thank you!’ cried the lady. ‘Are you a doctor?’
‘No madam,’ replied the middle-aged man.
Except for a middle-aged gentleman who
rushed into the lady’'s house, found her young son, turned him upside down and shook him until...
‘Help! Help! My young son has swallowed a coin and is choking. I don'’t know what to do!’
Everyone looked the other way, except...
The frantic-looking lady came rushing out of her house into the street and
cried: ‘Help! Help!
Boss: ‘Certainly not!’
Office worker: ‘I knew you’ would be understanding, sir. Thanks for getting me out of that terrible chore.’
Boss: ‘Yes? What is it now?’
‘Please can I have a day off next week to do some Christmas shopping with my wife and our six kids?’

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I have participated in at least one club or
group activity in order to develop new business
friendships or to meet new people this year.
“Treat people as if they were what they ought to be and you help them become what they are
capable of being.”-Goethe
You and I can be great!
“We make a living by what we get but we
make a life by what we give.”
—Winston Churchill
When we get a lot we can give as much as we want...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

My life has been difficult that most can see, but I only see how easy my life is to be. If you believe you have a hard life than you will...
I haven't had much choice, to live the hard way. If you don't believe that than yes your living the EZ life. Most find thier own hardships..
Moving people outside their comfort zone stimulates learning and inspires new ideas.The best ideas came from somebody doing it the hard way.

Monday, November 21, 2011

People who excel at small talk are experts at making others feel included, and laying the foundations for stronger relationships.
Without it, you rarely get to the real conversation.
Small talk is the icebreaker...Read Changing the Little Things to find how to start...
Small talk has a bad rap as the lowly stepchild of real conversation, yet it serves an extremely important function. That's how you start...

Friday, November 18, 2011

You are charging around in daily life—where exactly you are going. Crossing the finish line may be a bit quicker, but is the view worth it?
While engaged on any journey, I remember to enjoy the views and challenges. Remember it's just a challenge if you call it hard. Make Life EZ
The happiest and most-efficient people
are those who accept trouble as a normal
way of life and capitalize on it by expecting it.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

If you need to ask how, look to the people you look up to, and ask why. Don't say its..Because they're tall...ask y they r so tall in ur Is.
Admirable and courageous people have faced much adversity in their lifetimes. I am sure you have had to overcome adversity, so be Admirable.
Welcome the challenging times as a chance to sharpen your skills. You will need a varied tool set to deal with the ups and downs of life.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Paradise Island is a getaway to the unknown. See what six friends find on the island that one of these friends won.
The Night Watchman Challenges him self to change the city he lives in. Read to find what other challenges he is forced to live with.
J.L. Manning's challenge is to get these three books of his reviewed. Changing the Little Things will help you change your world.
Challenges come and go but some stick to you like glue. I hear a book can help you to forget these challenges if just for a bit.
If you get up yet find it challenging to get out than find a world to visit in a book. Getting out into your own world may be hard 4U.
A challenge is a good thing to have. Everyday is a challenge for some people. The challenge to get up and go out isn't one to have...

Monday, November 14, 2011

Find the Little Things in your life and your friends lives to maneuver yourselves into the best light... Read to find out how.
Expect the Worst of all people, so they can enhancing their ability to maneuver themselves within any given situation and stick it to you...
How do you know my dimwitted inexperience isn't really a subtle form of manipulation used to lower people's expectations? Expect the best...
Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are,you aren't!~Margaret Thatcher
That's right, you need to show them...

Friday, November 11, 2011

“To grow in our ability to love ourselves we need to receive love as well.”
John Gray
Give and Receive
Cause and Affect
Change and Happyness
“When men and women are able to respect and accept their differences then love has a chance to blossom.”
John Gray
Change Causes Blossoming!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Night Watchman causes change everyday by Changing the Little Thing in his life to Change others. U Can Do It
Moving people outside their comfort zone stimulates learning and inspires new ideas.The best ideas came from somebody doing it the hard way.
Emotional engagement,rather than intellectual reasoning,is what fuels passion and drives action. To cause change in your life is activation.
Everyday wake up with the expectation in your heart. Experiential knowledge transforms people in a way that cognitive knowledge cannot.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Be selfish and serve others to find the self satisfaction of Causing Change.
No matter how happy you are,this happiness is different when you are serving others. I am using my talents to make a contribution to Change.
Change the Little Things! What do I get? Peace, happiness, self-satisfaction, happiness in my family and in my home. Changing my community..

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Change the fact that we are slaves to the people whose approval we are hoping to gain. By looking at ourselves we find the Little Things...
Influence the other people in your life by Changing the Little Things…
Our decisions are made based on how others view us? From wardrobe choices to our line of work, we are influenced by how we look to others...

Monday, November 7, 2011

Change those thoughts and your friendships will gain more stability by Changing the Little Things.
The more our thoughts are filled with the things of this world, the more concerned we become about what the world thinks. Change the World..
The more stuff we own,want,guard, the more our thoughts become filled with the things of this world. Make your own world...

Friday, November 4, 2011

“The President did it' is not an excuse”
Nancy Cartwright
"Nore is because he's President..."
"We voted him in."
John says, is to blam.
“When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it.”
Clarence Darrow
We All can cause Change!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Night Watchman Changes a Little thing each night. Become a watchman and watch for what you can change.
Think of your positive thinking as a powerful energy a prophecy of sorts: that if you will it to be positive, it will be!
A Little Change!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Do you find yourself trying to change to please others? Remember you are unique and the greatest gifts in life is being true to who we are.
“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
—Dr. Seuss
Change for You!
To Day is the act how you want...dreams come who you wish to you, no one ells can do it! Today You are Special!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

No Holloweeners...too cold...too wet...I get to keep all the candy! Have a positve out look on your life. It will move along easier...